14 Mart 2015 Cumartesi

Actually (Adverb)

Actually: (adverb)  /ˈak(t)SH(o͞o)əlē/
Definition of actually in English: As the truth or facts of a situationreally
Example: the time actually worked on a job

Simply (Adverb)

Simply: (adverb)  /ˈsimplē/ 
Definition of simply in English: In a straightforward or plain manner
Example: Willis and Curry's ideas can in fact be expressed simply and clearly, but they never are.
straightforwardly, directly, clearly, plainly

Continuously (Adverb)

Continuously: (adverb) /kənˈtinyo͝oəslē/
Definition of continuously in English: 1.Without interruption or gaps  2.Repeatedly without exceptions or reversals
Examples: these images loop continuously
                 their performance has continuously improved

Truly (Adverb)

Truly: (adverb)   /ˈtro͞olē/
Definition of truly in English: In a truthful way
Example: he speaks truly
truthfullyhonestly, frankly, sincerelycandidly

Increasingly (Adverb)

Increasingly: (adverb)  /inˈkrēsiNGlē/ 
Definition of increasingly in English: To an increasing extent; more and more
Example: Otherwise, reducing budget deficits will become increasingly more difficult.
more and moreprogressively, to an increasing extent, ever more

Bright (Adjective)

Bright: (adjective) /brīt/
Definition of bright in English: 1.Giving out or reflecting a lot of lightshining 2.Full of light.
Example: her bright, dark eyes
                    the rooms are bright and spacious
shiningbrilliant, dazzling, beaming, glaring

Ridiculous (Adjective)

Ridiculous: (adjective) /rəˈdikyələs/
Definition of ridiculous in English: Deserving or inviting derision or mockeryabsurd
Example:Why are we not aware of the ridiculous amounts spent on such white elephants?
laughableabsurdcomicalfunny, hilarious

Excellent (Adjective)

Excellent: (adjective) /ˈeks(ə)lənt/
Definition of excellent in English: Extremely good; outstanding 
Example: In fairness, the pitch has seen some serious work on it and is in excellent condition.
very goodsuperboutstanding, exceptional,marvelouswonderful, magnificent

Easy Going (Adjective)

Easy going: (adjective) /ˌēzēˈɡōiNG/
Definition of easy going in English: Relaxed and tolerant in approach or manner
Example: Instead, approach her with a mature, easy-going attitude and genuinely listen to what she has to say.
relaxed, even-tempered, placid, mellow, mild

Inspiring (Adjective)

Inspiring: (adjective) /inˈspī(ə)riNG/
Definition of inspiring in English: Having the effect of inspiring someone
Example: he was an inspiring teacher

Fantastic (Adjective)

Fantastic: (adjective) /fanˈtastik/ 
Definition of fantastic in English:  Extraordinarily good or attractive.
Example:they did a fantastic job

Display (verb)

Display: (verb)  /dəˈsplā/
Definition of display in English: Make a prominent exhibition of (something) in a place where it can be easily seen.
Example:The cameras were displayed in the chronological order of technological evolution
exhibit, show, put on show/view; arrange, array, present, lay out, set out

Trouble (noun)

Trouble: (noun)  /ˈtrʌb(ə)l/
Definition of trouble in English: Difficulty or problems
Example:I had trouble finding somewhere to park
problems, difficulty, issues, bother,inconvenienceworry, anxiety, distress, concern

Salt (noun)

Salt: (noun) /sɔːlt/ or /sɒlt/
Definition of salt in English: white crystalline substance which givesseawater its characteristic taste and is used for sesoning or preserving food.
Example: Add the braised chicken and season to taste with salt and pepper sauce.
table salt, sea salt, marine salt, rock salt

Figure (noun)

Figure: (noun) /ˈfɪɡə/
Definition of figure in English: A representation of a human or animal form indrawing or sculpture:

Example: Starkly painted figures
Synonyms:human representation, image of a person, effigy;

Soul (noun)

Soul: (noun) /səʊl/
Definition of soul in English:
The spiritualpart of humans as distinct from the physical part.
Example: Remarkable experiences for the mind, body and soulare everywhere.

  • Synonyms:
    Spirit, heart, essence, core, heart.

Period (noun)

Period: (noun) /ˈpɪərɪəd/
Definition of period in English: A length or portion of time: 
Example: he had long periods of depression
Time, spell, interval, stretch, term, span

Slogan (noun)

Slogan: (noun)  /ˈsləʊɡ(ə)n/
Definition of slogan in English: A short and striking or memorable phrase used in advertasing.                                                                  . 
Example:They've shown that there is more to advertising than a catchy slogan and a memorable logo.
catchphrasecatchlinecatchwordjingle, saying, formula, legend

Sign (verb)

Sign: (verb) /sīn/
Definition of sign in English: Write one’s name on (a letter, card, or similar item) to identify oneself as the writer or sender
Example:the card was signed by the whole class
write, inscribe, pen

Jump Down (verb)

Jump down: (verb) /jəmpdoun/
Definition of jump down in English: to leap downward into or through something
Example: Timmy jumped down the stairs on the morning of his birthday   party.

Announccement (noun)

Announcement: (noun)  /əˈnaʊnsm(ə)nt/
Definition of announcement in English: A formal public statement about a fact, occurrence, or intention.
Example: The minister was about to make an announcementSynonyms:statement, report, declarationproclamation,pronouncement;

Tribute (noun)

Tribute: (noun)  /ˈtrɪbjuːt/
Definition of tribute in English: An actstatement, or gift that is intended to showgratituderespect, or admiration.
Example: The video is a tribute to the musicals of the 40s
accoladepraisecommendationacclaim,acclamation,salute,testimonial, paeaneulogy,panegyricencomiumhomage.