1 Ocak 2022 Cumartesi

Web 2.0 Tools

 We, as teachers, use in our classrooms different methods and approaches. We should create a positive atmosphere for our students to express themselves easily and to feel themselves safe. At this point Web 2.0 Tools help us to have positive atmosphere for both us and our students. We can use Web 2.0 Tools in our classes to evaluate, create and have fun. Web 2.0 tools provide us a great opportunity to make our lessons unforgettable for the students and ,of course, for us too. 
Here are some of them. Hope you'll find them useful!

14 Mart 2015 Cumartesi

Actually (Adverb)

Actually: (adverb)  /ˈak(t)SH(o͞o)əlē/
Definition of actually in English: As the truth or facts of a situationreally
Example: the time actually worked on a job

Simply (Adverb)

Simply: (adverb)  /ˈsimplē/ 
Definition of simply in English: In a straightforward or plain manner
Example: Willis and Curry's ideas can in fact be expressed simply and clearly, but they never are.
straightforwardly, directly, clearly, plainly

Continuously (Adverb)

Continuously: (adverb) /kənˈtinyo͝oəslē/
Definition of continuously in English: 1.Without interruption or gaps  2.Repeatedly without exceptions or reversals
Examples: these images loop continuously
                 their performance has continuously improved

Truly (Adverb)

Truly: (adverb)   /ˈtro͞olē/
Definition of truly in English: In a truthful way
Example: he speaks truly
truthfullyhonestly, frankly, sincerelycandidly

Increasingly (Adverb)

Increasingly: (adverb)  /inˈkrēsiNGlē/ 
Definition of increasingly in English: To an increasing extent; more and more
Example: Otherwise, reducing budget deficits will become increasingly more difficult.
more and moreprogressively, to an increasing extent, ever more

Bright (Adjective)

Bright: (adjective) /brīt/
Definition of bright in English: 1.Giving out or reflecting a lot of lightshining 2.Full of light.
Example: her bright, dark eyes
                    the rooms are bright and spacious
shiningbrilliant, dazzling, beaming, glaring